Output 1 is a high current output able to drive a motor. In this example we don't have a motor to drive, so this output instead operates a lighting effect. Outputs 2-5 can control servos; in this case we have three servos to control so outputs 2-4 are used for that. That leaves outputs 5-8 for the other lighting effects.

Output Assigned function
1 Welding effect
2 Servo, operating a point
3 Servo, operating the lower signal
4 Servo, operating the upper signal
5 Disco light
6 Disco light
7 House light
8 House light


The various connections to the board are made via the 25 way D connector as follows:

  • The DCC rail input connects to pins 1,14
  • A blue LED for the Welding effect connects to pins 4, 17 (use a series resistor)
  • A red "disco" LED connects to pins 7 (cathode), 19 (anode). Use a series resistor.
  • A yellow "disco" LED connects to pins 8 (cathode), 20 (anode). Use a series resistor.
  • A white LED for house lighting connects to pins 9 (cathode), 21 (anode). Use a series resistor.
  • A white LED for house lighting connects to pins 10 (cathode), 22 (anode). Use a series resistor.

The series resistors need to be chosen to set the LED brightness. We suggest starting with 1KΩ; use larger values if the LEDs are too bright.

Programming the Output Types and Sequences

Once the output types are known, the output type CVs can be set. The sequence values are chosen from the list of factory sequences. The two "house" lights are assigned different sequences: one is on more than half the time, the other infrequently (for a less occupied room).

Output Output type o/p type CV o/p sequence CV
1 DC motor (OK for fixed LED) CV9=0 CV17=1
2 Servo, 2 position CV10=4 CV18=0
3 Servo, 2 position CV11=4 CV19=0
4 Servo, 2 position CV12=4 CV20=0
5 Medium PWM light CV13=2 CV21=8
6 Medium PWM light CV14=2 CV22=8
7 Medium PWM light CV15=2 CV23=3
8 Medium PWM light CV16=2 CV24=2

 The output data settings need to be made: these "tweak" the cell output settings. There are three parameters:

  • The "output gate" CV will cause this cell to come on if another cell is current on. This isn't used in this case.
  • The "DCC gate" CV will cause this cell to come on if another cell's DCC address is triggered.This is used to make cell 6 come on if cell 5 has been triggered. This means the DCC address for cell 5 will make BOTH sets of disco lights come on.
  • The "sequence start position" CV sets the 1st location in the sequence. In this case we want the two disco lights to have a slight time delay - about half a second - from each other som we program a small value into output 6's start position CV.
Output Output gate DCC gate Seq start position
1 welding CV30=0 CV31=0 CV32=0
2 servo point CV33=0 CV34=0 CV35=0
3 servo lower signal CV36=0 CV37=0 CV38=0
4 servo upper signal CV39=0 CV40=0 CV41=0
5 disco 1 CV42=0 CV43=0 CV44=0
6 disco 2 CV45=0 CV46=16 CV47=6
7 house 2 CV48=0 CV49=0 CV50=0
8 house 1 CV51=0 CV52=0 CV53=0

Servo Settings 

There are a few settings needed for the three servos. They will move between positions 1&2; the CV values for positions 1&2 will need to be found by experimenting. Don't connect the servo arms to your model until you've got this right! All servos are set to power off after they've finished moving; and a suitable movement speed is chosen also by experimentation. Outputs 3&4 have a small "bounce" value programmed.

setting o/p2 (point) o/p3 (bottom signal) o/p4 (top signal) o/p5 (not used)
Position 1 CV54=50 CV61=65 CV68=80 CV75=50
Position 2 CV55=100 CV62=90 CV69=115 CV76=100
Position 3 CV56=0 CV63=0 CV70=0 CV77=0
Position 4 CV57=0 CV64=0 CV71=0 CV78=0
Bounce CV58=0 CV65=15 CV72=10 CV79=0
Speed CV59=50 CV66=40 CV73=40 CV80=50
“off” time CV60=30 CV67=30 CV74=30 CV81=30