ACE update ...
Sales of the ACE controller continue to go from strength-to-strength and order lead times are currently varying between 3 and 7 days - thank you for bearing with us.
CML update...
GFB Designs (owners of the Sig-naTrak® brand) aquired CML Electronics, a very successful and established model railway business producing DCC accessory modules designed to connect to the LocoNet® network in April 2016.
After getting to grips with the products, we have now re-started production of the CML range and, at the time of posting, are running this part of our business from the original website. It will shortly be migrating over to our new website at which will incorporate everything under one umbrella, but this will take a little time. In the mean time, if you wish to purchase any CML Electronics products, please contact Fraser Black via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or by telephone on 0161 883 2022, to place orders.